Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 8: task #18 Social Networking

I've been reading some of the other ihcpl blogs and how they feel about social networking sites. I must admit that I feel much the same way. I can see where myspace and facebook and other such sites would be popular but I don't see me joining any of them. I tried myspace on a branch computer and maybe that was what turned me off to it. My first search was a general search using gender, age, etc. and I got tried of the screening page appearing after 4 or 5 pages and when I tried to go beyond the 10th screen the computer would reset and go back to the 1st page. It did this several times and it got very old, very fast. It was a little better when I tried a different route.

I looked at Yahoo 360. On one of the sites the blogger was explaining why she was leaving Yahoo 360 and moving everything to another site. It seems that she and many others have been having problems with the customer service team for over a year and wasn't getting any help. I did enjoy looking at catster and dogster. I grew up with cats and it was fun to see the various blogs. I always knew that pets become part of the family and can be just as important as a child. At lot of time and love went in to creating these sites.

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