Saturday, November 17, 2007

Week 9: Task #22 Downloadable Media

I visited wowie and librivox and was a bit surprised by how limited they were. Wowie seemed to be very limited in what it had to offer and I got some strange "hits" from the searching. For Jane Eyre I got Jane Eyre and two books by Jane Rule, one book by Jane Simon and one book entitled Dead: with Dick and Jane 01. It was interesting that the librivox entry also linked to wikipedia entries of the book and Charlotte Bronte. I like the idea of books in public domain being available, but the practice of various people reading different chapters of the same book could be a bit problematic. I liked exploring the HCPL collections and I checked out one of the videos. I understand why the tutorial suggests that if using DSL to download one at chapter at a time because even on the staff computer it took some time to download.

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