Monday, October 12, 2009

Genealogy #70 Genealogy 2.0

It's been fun to play with the MyHeritage site. I started a tree to see how it would look and I find it more interesting than the classic pedigree charts. I didn't do the Look-alike meter because I don't have a picture of my parents to download but that's OK. The only difference between me and my mom's baby pictures are the clothes we were wearing. I did a celebrity collage and got some interesting results. Do I really look like Bette Davis (a 49% match) or Katherine Heigl (a 55% match)? The highest match at 67% was with Ophelie Winter. The collage is at the bottom of the blog.

The site, Footnote, is for the hard core genealogist in my opinion. I can see how it would be helpful and very useful. The ability to share photos, documents and other info via the Internet is one of the great things about how the Internet can help genealogists.