Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Clearing task #28: Don't Clutter

Well, I've read the Getting Things Done article and it sounds like a good program. I've already started to review and weed my emails. I think it will be a long process, but a much needed one. I also read two articles on email and online simplicity. The article about becoming an email ninja was interesting and I will use some of the suggestions as well as some ideas from the Zen of Tech and the 12 ways to keep online life simple and peaceful. Both articles were listed under the Technology link on the ihcpl blog.

I've added both Google Calendar and Remember the Milk links to my Google account. I've never used on online calendar before so it should be interesting to try to keep it up to date. I like the idea of having online do - to- list and signed up for RTM. I choose it because it will work with the Google calendar. I also like the idea that Google Calendar and Outlook will work together. We'll see how all of these work.

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