Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Week 10: task #23 Summary
Wow this has been a fast, busy and rewarding eleven weeks! A lot was covered. Some of the topics I was familiar with, some the terms were familiar but that was about it. I enjoyed learning about Flickr and avatars. I understand blogs and RSS feeds better. I will continue to use some sites such as LibraryThing and Library Elf and I had heard of Youtube but until now had not spent much time exploring it. I understand why it's so popular and additive. I've enjoyed most of the exercises. I'm very glade I didn't have to do this alone. A few of the tasks were very frustrating and if it wasn't for the support and guidance, I might not have completed the course. Now, when do we get to try Amazon's Kindle???? Star Trek Next Generation here we come!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Week 9: Task #22 Downloadable Media
I visited wowie and librivox and was a bit surprised by how limited they were. Wowie seemed to be very limited in what it had to offer and I got some strange "hits" from the searching. For Jane Eyre I got Jane Eyre and two books by Jane Rule, one book by Jane Simon and one book entitled Dead: with Dick and Jane 01. It was interesting that the librivox entry also linked to wikipedia entries of the book and Charlotte Bronte. I like the idea of books in public domain being available, but the practice of various people reading different chapters of the same book could be a bit problematic. I liked exploring the HCPL collections and I checked out one of the videos. I understand why the tutorial suggests that if using DSL to download one at chapter at a time because even on the staff computer it took some time to download.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Week 9: Task #21 Podcasts
I spent some time perusing two podcast sites, and and found some interesting sites. I added a few movie and book review sites to my blog and well as a couple of library/ librarian news sites. I don't have a mp3 player yet but when I do, there's plenty of artists and titles to choice from.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Week 9: Task #20 Youtube and other video sharing sites
I spent some time looking at the different video sharing sites that were listed. I saw dancing cats, hamsters and people. A musical version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a little strange but I liked the various comedies starring cats and kittens. The Betty Glover Library Workout Tape Ad brought back memories of libraries in the 1980's and how much public performance videos cost. As Time-Life was fond of saying when asked about the $350. 00 price of a VHS tape: "It's not the format but the contents." And I loved watching Cookie Monster and the Librarian.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Week 8: task #19 Web based apps
I've enjoyed looking around in Zoho. It seems fairly easy to use and the toolbar is similar to Microsoft Office. I played with different size fonts and colors and added pictures among other things. I like the idea of not being limited to one computer or for the need to have a jump drive or disc to work on projects. And you can't beat the price! I will definitely be using it in the future. Thanks iHCPL for introducing me.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Week 8: task #18 Social Networking
I've been reading some of the other ihcpl blogs and how they feel about social networking sites. I must admit that I feel much the same way. I can see where myspace and facebook and other such sites would be popular but I don't see me joining any of them. I tried myspace on a branch computer and maybe that was what turned me off to it. My first search was a general search using gender, age, etc. and I got tried of the screening page appearing after 4 or 5 pages and when I tried to go beyond the 10th screen the computer would reset and go back to the 1st page. It did this several times and it got very old, very fast. It was a little better when I tried a different route.
I looked at Yahoo 360. On one of the sites the blogger was explaining why she was leaving Yahoo 360 and moving everything to another site. It seems that she and many others have been having problems with the customer service team for over a year and wasn't getting any help. I did enjoy looking at catster and dogster. I grew up with cats and it was fun to see the various blogs. I always knew that pets become part of the family and can be just as important as a child. At lot of time and love went in to creating these sites.
I looked at Yahoo 360. On one of the sites the blogger was explaining why she was leaving Yahoo 360 and moving everything to another site. It seems that she and many others have been having problems with the customer service team for over a year and wasn't getting any help. I did enjoy looking at catster and dogster. I grew up with cats and it was fun to see the various blogs. I always knew that pets become part of the family and can be just as important as a child. At lot of time and love went in to creating these sites.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Week 7: task #17 Technology
The assignment of writing about technology got me thinking about how my library experiences have been effected by technology. I grew up in Dallas and went to the local DPL branch. When I was young they used a big hooded microfilm machine to record transactions. During Library School at TWU we went on a field trip to the main library to see at the only computer on campus -- the direct link that cataloging had to OCLC. I took a computer class and used the FORTAN computer language and IBM punch cards. They had to take the program packs to NTSU (now UNT) to run them. TWU got a computer the next year. After graduation I moved to Lubbock and began working at WTLS as the AV Consultant. For nine years I got to catalog 16 mm films and later VHS tapes in OCLC. The circulation department was using a microfilm machine without a hood. When I left in 1991 LCCL was deciding which computer circulation system to use. They were the last MRC to automate. Since I've been with HCPL I've used ALICE, CARL, Dynix and now Horizon. To say that I've seen some changes in how libraries use technology would be an understatement. If the past is any indication of what the future might hold, then I see libraries continuing to change so to help our patrons and communities to meet their changing needs. It truly is a field where life long learning is important and rewarding.
I've added comments to two blogs (ihcpl homework and whymustweblog). I loved the quotes that whymustweblog listed.
I've added comments to two blogs (ihcpl homework and whymustweblog). I loved the quotes that whymustweblog listed.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Week 7: task 16 Wikis
I have used Wikipedia in the past. It was nice to learn about the history of the wikis and some of the ways that they are being used. I could see wikis being used to collect SRP program ideas, reading group suggestions and adult programming ideas. I logged in to the ihcpl wiki and added my blog to the lists. I also added my favorite children's book to the book list. I tried to edit both the Favorite Blogs and Favorite Book list several time before I was able to enter my info. The site was very busy for awhile. I didn't have any problems adding to the movie site, of course it was after 6:30 pm when I tried.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Week 6: task 15 Library 2.0 and Web 2.0
I'm inputting this entry from my home PC. The reason why I mention this is because, before I could get to this point I had to update both the Microsoft and Dell Security files on my computer. Anyone who has been using computers for any length of time knows and accepts that the computer field and especially the programs are constantly changing, improving and evolving. Since we, as both, librarians and library patrons are using computers more and more, it would make sense that we will need to not only be aware of the changing in the computer field but also investigate what programs can help us do our jobs better and how best to assist our patrons.
I found Michael Stephens' article very interesting. I agree that libraries should not add new technologies just "for the sake of technology". That we need to preserve what is good and proven of the established and current procedures and but also look forward to future. Examine the trends, then explore the programs and technologies that will enhance our collections and services for our patrons. It will be important to have an ongoing staff training program so that the staff will be able to assist both other staff members and our patrons. Reading these articles have reinforced the appreciation that I have for the HCPL commitment to staff training and exploring of the new programs and technologies.
I found Michael Stephens' article very interesting. I agree that libraries should not add new technologies just "for the sake of technology". That we need to preserve what is good and proven of the established and current procedures and but also look forward to future. Examine the trends, then explore the programs and technologies that will enhance our collections and services for our patrons. It will be important to have an ongoing staff training program so that the staff will be able to assist both other staff members and our patrons. Reading these articles have reinforced the appreciation that I have for the HCPL commitment to staff training and exploring of the new programs and technologies.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Week 6: task 14 Technorati
I looked at Technarti and explored it a little. If I did the searching correctly, then I found 561 listings with the general advanced search of Learning 2.0 but when I added the tag limiter the number droped to 129. Looks like a good way to screen out a lot of blogs that might be of limited use. Tried to watch some of the videos but couldn't get in. Guess the site was just too busy.
Week 6: task 13 Tagging
I had setup a account several months ago. I liked the idea of having access to my work bookmarks from any computer. My profile didn't like to roam. It still doesn't but I don't try to make it roam anymore. I haven't used in a while, so it was nice to get a refresher course in its many features and uses. I can see how the site could be used for doing research and I'm sure many students and researchers do use it that way. The two user guides were very helpful and I will be trying some of their suggestions. Thanks for adding the iHCPL site. I've added it and the HCPL site to mine for easy reference. I like the tagging that we can do for each site. I'm keeping mine very simple for the time being. Maybe I'll expand as I continue to add more ito it.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Week 5: task 12 Library Elf
The Library Elf account was easy to setup. I set it today so its too early to get any emails other than the welcoming message. I can see how helpful it can be to receives emails on a personal account and not just our staff accounts. I can also how helpful it might be for parents who are trying to keep track of various family members accounts.
Week 5: task 11 Library Thing
It was very easy to setup the Library Thing account. I added 10 books. It was interesting to search through the various editions of some of my titles to find the correct one. I didn't realize just how many covers the Harry Potter books have! It's nice to have the connection. I think I will continue to add. It might be fun and a little scary to find out just how many volumes I actually have.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Week 5: task 10
So far this week I've played around with widgets and avatars. I've added a widget of a pretty black cat from the website Widgetbox . I used the Yahoo avatar generator to make an image of me on Pern with a small dragon. And I found a nice generator to make Harry Potter characters. The generator's name is Harry Potter Doll Maker. I can see how these could be habit forming.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Week 4: tasks 8 and 9
It was very easy to setup an account on Bloglines. I added 14 blogs to it to start with and then spent some time exploring the different websites that I use frequently. I've seen the different blogger icons in the past but because I wasn't trying to select blogs didn't think too much about them. Now that I'm looking for them, I've realized that some the sites that I go to most don't have them. But many do, so I guess it all evens out. During my searching I've added 8 more blogs to the list. As you can tell, I've also added the e branch blog to this page. I've looked at the four newsfeeds that were mentioned in the exercise. I tested two different topics in all four. I got similar results in three of the four. The fourth, Syndic8, was a little more involved because of the straight directory of sites.
I'm slowly getting comfortable with the various elements and possibilities of blogs. I'm enjoying the learning process and glad that we are learning about the different technologies that are available.
I'm slowly getting comfortable with the various elements and possibilities of blogs. I'm enjoying the learning process and glad that we are learning about the different technologies that are available.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Week 3: more fun with flickr
I've spent part of the day exploring more of what flickr can do. I added more photos, edited the photos and created sets. It's been real fun downloading and moving things around. I just may have to get my own digital camera. I may have found a new hobby.
I've also looked at the various mashups. Some I like and some I don't. Some are fun and I could spend a lot of time just playing with them.
I've also looked at the various mashups. Some I like and some I don't. Some are fun and I could spend a lot of time just playing with them.
Week 3: pixer

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
September 20, 2007
This is a new experience for me. I haven't kept a journal in a long time. Blogging is opening a whole new world of opportunities.
This is a new experience for me. I haven't kept a journal in a long time. Blogging is opening a whole new world of opportunities.
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